Pimp Your Ride: Change The Bearings On Your Scooter Wheels
To increase the speed of your ride, you simply have to change the bearings on your scooter wheels to ones which provide a faster rotational speed.
What this means is that you’ll save more energy from kicking. You’ll also get to travel further and faster than before.
It’s a real neat trick! Watch Videos below on how to do it! Follow up by reading our Step by Step Guide.
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Note: The videos above are shared videos with the direct source linked from YouTube.
1. Purchase Bones Bearings
2. Remove the wheels from your kick scooter
3. Remove the existing bearing from the wheels with a screw driver or Allen Wrench
4. Keep the spacers!
5. Replace the bearings with the new bearings!
6. Place the wheels back on you kick scooters
7. Done!
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