Fancy taking a walk on the “World’s Healthiest Bike” or “The Electric Walking Bike“? Confused? You bet we were. 🙂

Basically you’re taking a leisurely walk while you’re moving at the same time on your electric scooter. You get to your destination fast and even manage to get a light workout while you’re on your way! Enjoy the scenery around while you’re at it.

This is a shared video with the direct source linked from YouTube. YouTube views at time of publishing article: 43,846. Video was originally published on May 11, 2016 by IN THE NOW.

Source: Image from
Image Sourced from

We’re slightly intrigued by the idea of this new hybrid scooter. It’s great for commuters who do not know how to ride a bike. And fabulous for those wearing robes and skirts who need to mount and dismount the scooter easily.

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Lopifit – a treadmill on wheels | Euromaxx by DW (English)

In A Nutshell

Specifications & Features we gathered from research via

  • The total length of the Lopifit is 2.3 meters.
  • Boosts your walking pace up to the speed of a regular bike
  • Provided with a powerful electric driven Quantum Motor wrapped in a solid frame made of steel.
  • You can take your luggage with you with the equipped luggage carrier.
  • Weight Capacity: 136kg
  • The walking part of the treadmill is 90 cm long.
  • The Lopifit has 6 levels of suspension.
  • The Lopifit has two handbrakes. The brake on the right stops the wheels and the motor. The brake on the left stops the treadmill.
  • Range is 55 km / 34 miles (depending on a variety of factors).
  • Charging Time: Approximately 4 hours.
  • Lopifit started as a small idea when Bruin Bergmeester, the founder of the Lopifit, was exercising on his cross trainer in his garage, wondering “How can I use the treadmill outdoors? Wouldn’t that be much more fun including the fact that I can enjoy nature? What about a treadmill on wheels?”

Cons? It looks kinda bulky compared to other electric scooters that’s out there in the market right now. The threadmill / walking aspect of it seems to be a redundant feature you can do without. It also takes a while to get used to “threading” on a moving scooter.

It’s really up to the individual! We’re glad that there are more options.

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