‘Lopifit’ the electric walking bike by IN THE NOW
Fancy taking a walk on the “World’s Healthiest Bike” or “The Electric Walking Bike“? Confused? You bet we were. 🙂
Basically you’re taking a leisurely walk while you’re moving at the same time on your electric scooter. You get to your destination fast and even manage to get a light workout while you’re on your way! Enjoy the scenery around while you’re at it.
This is a shared video with the direct source linked from YouTube. YouTube views at time of publishing article: 43,846. Video was originally published on May 11, 2016 by IN THE NOW.
Image Sourced from lopifit.com
We’re slightly intrigued by the idea of this new hybrid scooter. It’s great for commuters who do not know how to ride a bike. And fabulous for those wearing robes and skirts who need to mount and dismount the scooter easily.
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In A Nutshell
Specifications & Features we gathered from research via lopifit.com:
- The total length of the Lopifit is 2.3 meters.
- Boosts your walking pace up to the speed of a regular bike
- Provided with a powerful electric driven Quantum Motor wrapped in a solid frame made of steel.
- You can take your luggage with you with the equipped luggage carrier.
- Weight Capacity: 136kg
- The walking part of the treadmill is 90 cm long.
- The Lopifit has 6 levels of suspension.
- The Lopifit has two handbrakes. The brake on the right stops the wheels and the motor. The brake on the left stops the treadmill.
- Range is 55 km / 34 miles (depending on a variety of factors).
- Charging Time: Approximately 4 hours.
- Lopifit started as a small idea when Bruin Bergmeester, the founder of the Lopifit, was exercising on his cross trainer in his garage, wondering “How can I use the treadmill outdoors? Wouldn’t that be much more fun including the fact that I can enjoy nature? What about a treadmill on wheels?”
Cons? It looks kinda bulky compared to other electric scooters that’s out there in the market right now. The threadmill / walking aspect of it seems to be a redundant feature you can do without. It also takes a while to get used to “threading” on a moving scooter.
It’s really up to the individual! We’re glad that there are more options.
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