Adult Kick Scooters

Cheap Kick Scooters For Adults
0 18443

Looking for the best adult kick scooter under $100? Not sure what to buy? If you're on the lookout for a cheap adult kick...
Micro Suspension Scooter Review
0 18555

The high-tensile springs installed in the front and back of the Micro Suspension Scooter
Micro Flex Blue Adult Kick Scooter Review
0 13526

The Micro Flex Blue comes with a classic design from the...
Micro Sprite Adult Kick Scooter Review
0 13704

Most users of the Micro Sprite Adult Kick Scooter are likely young kids...
0 6019

YouTube views at time of publishing article: 401. Video was originally published on 23 August 2014 by Petros Bogeas.
0 6898

Miles or Myles from NYCeWheels (Pronounced as "Nice Wheels") is doing this video review on the Razor A5 Adult Kick Scooter.